Sunday, 10 November 2013



Hey Friends,
                  Today I have composed this post to examine some extremely genuine dangers that "Awdsoft" is confronting and even about the new innovative changes in 'Awdsoft'. Friends, every one of you must realize that because of Awdsoft's expanding notoriety on Internet, we are confronting a few genuine issues in regards to our website's security. All the critical things are secured in the accompanying points so read on assuming that you have concern for 'Awdsoft'.

File Hosting Change From to :
Friends, a few interlopers have tried to boycott our record on 4shared by putting fake copyright claims that the Cracks/activators that we use on "Awdsoft" is possessed by them in light of which it might sit down for a bit to fathom this matter. Till then or may be forever we have moved our hosting from 4shared to Be that as it may, the issue is that being another method for hosting, large portions of our clients are not equipped to utilize it so as a part of the following lines we will let you know 'How to utilize

How to use
  • Click on the Download Activator/Crack link from Awdsoft and you will be taken to this site.
  • Click on Download file.
  • You will see that the files doesn't start downloading but a progress bar starts on the sites itself.
  • Wait for that progress bar to reach 100% and your file will be downloaded instantly in no time!
Really, instead of the stereotype method for downloading files, it download the file in the website itself and afterward exchange to your PC in a matter of seconds therefore decreasing Download time nearly half and making the record totally spare. So, simply be cool and acknowledge this new technology.

Disabling of Copy/Paste and Right Click:
Friends, a few gatecrashers named 'Chiranshu Monga' and 'Gaurav Verma' have unlawfully tried to duplicate Awdsoft's substance and Publish it in their online journals. This has brought about activity misfortune of Awdsoft. Thus, to manage this robbery, we have incapacitated right click and copy/paste emphasize on our web journal. 
However, there are even a few codes and numerous things that must be replicated. Thus, we have made just chosen things copyable from Awdsoft and not all the things.

Chat Change:
Because of outcome of our trial period for rumbletalk chat, we have changed the chat to an improved one and we require your backing with the intention so that this chat can work well

Thank You
Awdsoft Team
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  1. Very nice explanation, Abhi. You have cleared all my doubts in this post regarding the changes you have made on your website. Your effort in making people understand things about your blog has made it very transparent as well as encouraging to visit your blog. Good job, Abhi. Keep the good work up. :D

    1. Thanks for your compliment that you found this description worthwhile.

  2. Rightly Said :
    "Truth is Always Bitter"
