Today I have found a wonderful trick that will be very helpful to you. You all must be having E-mail ids but it might be very time consuming and boring to check your E-mail again and again for new E-mails. But, today I have discovered a wonderful trick with which you can get your SMS alert for each and every E-mail received that to for free........
Features, I will give because we need to follow our ritual
Features of SMS E-mail Alert:
- Know when you have received an E-mail or a special mail.
- No need to check the mailbox again and again for E-mail
- Best of all, its free
So, not taking much of your time, here I go with the steps........................
Steps to Activate Free SMS Alert Service:
- Login to Gmail
- Click on the Gears icon on the top right and select Settings
- Go to Labels tab
- Scroll down and click 'Create new label'
- Give label name as 'onhaxsms' and click create. (Do not change the name ‘onhaxsms’ as it is connected to a script )
- Now click on filter tab
- Click Create a new filter
- If you want to get SMS Alerts for every email you receive type 'is:inbox' in ‘has the words field’
- If you want to get SMS Alerts only for email from special people type those emails in the ‘from’ field (divide by commas)
- Now Click Create filter with this search
- Now check Apply the label and select 'onhaxsms' from the drop down
- Finally click create filter
- Login to (Google Docs)
- Click (Here) to make of copy of the spreadsheet
- Click on 'Yes, Make a Copy'
- Now select Tools > Script Editor
- Then Resources > Current project’s triggers
- Select 'Add a new trigger.' Under events select 'Time-Driven' then 'minutes timer' and 'every minute' and save it
- Click Authorize and then Accept
- Go to (Google Calenders)
- Click on the Gears icon on the top right and select Settings
- Click on 'Mobile Setup' tab
- Now Connect your mobile number to the Google Calendar account following the steps given there
- That’s it,now you will receive a free SMS Alerts for your selected upcoming emails !
Of course it was, long enough to make you tired but this service will be doing a bulk of your work in the near future!
Now, you will ask as how to stop this SMS alerts?
Most of you don't want to stop it after such a long process but, if you still want tot stop it then follow the steps below..........
Steps to Stop Receiving SMS Alerts:
- Go to (Google Drive)
- Click on 'Copy of Get SMS Alert – onhax'
- Wait few minutes after loading the document
- You will find a menu called ‘Gmail SMS Alerts – onhax’
- Click there and select 'Stop SMS Alerts'
- Click 'Authorize' and then 'Accept.'
- That’s it, you will not receive Gmail SMS Alerts anymore
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